John Button
In my paintings I explore landscape and seascape through patterns and textures, attempting to trigger a memory or a sense of place and ignoring conventional rules of perspective along the way. In my still-life studies, I try to tease something extraordinary out of my everyday surroundings.
When Stars Align | £575.00
Treasure III | £395.00
Becalmed | £575.00
One Thing Leads to Another | £895.00
Keep your Cool | £550.00
Coastal Vl | £550.00
Coastal Vll | SOLD
Traverse | SOLD
Study of a Northern Town | SOLD
Treasure I | SOLD
First Flurry | SOLD
Cold Hands Warm Heart | SOLD
Sweet and Sour | SOLD
That Friday Feeling | SOLD
Cool Calm and Collected | SOLD